Category: Property
Country: All countries
 Estonian Real estate. Address: Harjumaa, Viimsi vald, Leppneeme kula, Kivimae tee 11. Cadastre reg. nr: 89001:003:1487. Sale, Land, land lot: 1818 m², Price: 200 650 euro. Ownership: private. Use: Residential land. Additional information: detailed draft, drainage, electricity,[...] Details...  We have to offer in Portugal
-Total área 100 till 3.000 HA
-Land type A/B/C, clean or with trees : pine, holme-oak, eucalyptus, etc
-Land flat surface and or soft inclination
-With water
-With House, Wharehouse or without
Use to:
Agriculture, olive, corck, black pork, cattle, tourism, hunting,etc.[...] Details...  We are selling big plot land with two industrial buildings with about 2, 000 m2 solid walls (bricks) and beton constructions, H is 6 meters, The plot is more than 5, 500 m2. It's at the end, but in side of small town in south part of Bulgaria EC.
Asphalt road bordering with the property with access and there is asphalt yard (parking) , also small river is passing trough the one of the borders There are Water and Electricity. Suitable for all kinds industrial productions or commerce.
Bulgaria[...] Details...   It is our pleasure to present our offer to you: an invitation to participate in the new development of the real estate located on the territory of the Gniewkowo municipality in the Kujawy-Pomorze province. E-Park Area – Wierzchoslawice.
Our offer:
- commencement of a joint venture,
- leasing with a possible option to transfer the ownership,
- purchase of the real estate in part or in whole,
Current valuation in accordance with the market value – 3 500 000.
Real estate’s offer value[...] Details...  Fabulous new development located 400 metres from the mediterranean in south Turkey, this new complex has indoor and outdoor swimming pools, tennis court, landscaped gardens, restaurant, bar, and lots more. The apartment offers two bedrooms, two bathrooms, lounge with American style kitchen and south facing balcony. Price 107.00 Euros[...] Details...  20 000 meter Square in Village Begunovci up to Resort Bankia.
Price for one meter Square is 80 euro.[...] Details...  Buying land in Bansko is one of the best way to invest money. The town of Bansko is located on 925 m. above sea level, and its skiing area is on 2000-2600 m.
Price range per sq.meter is: 100 - 160 Euro. The plots are good for building of hotels or apartment houses.[...] Details...  Pasiphae village is a holiday home complex consisting of 33 garden & terraced condominium apartments and townhouses. Its unique location offers undisturbed views towards the Aegean Sea and the Lefka Ori mountains.
Located just 16 kilometres from the town of Chania, and 30 kilometres from Chania International Airport, you will find Pasiphae Village. According to myth, Pasiphae was the Cretan moon goddess, daughter of Helios (sun), and she who shined on all.
Pasiphae Village is a holiday[...] Details...   - unhardened
- partly fenced
- utilities at the area\'s boundary
Gdansk Nowy Port, Sniezna Street
public access area
at the back of cargo handling quay
[...] Details...   Apartment in Croatia. Apartment in Vodice . First floors, surface 35,7m2. Living room with kitchen and dining room 26,8m2, loggia 4,4m2, bathroom 4,5m2. Swimming pool. Cca 200 m from the sea.[...] Details...